Full-time Delivery Driver Tips.

truth of full-time driver

You decided to be a full-time delivery driver. Congratulations. Now You are on your own. Be ready to commit, work extended hours and show results. You’ll have freedom, but no benefits.

If you want to win in the food delivery business, You must know your market. You should be an expert in restaurants in your area. Know how fast and busy they are. Do they miss delivery items? Is food always fresh and tasty? The more you know the better for your income. You make money while driving. Less standing more profit. Remember that. 

The type of car you use for dashing is extremely important. It should be fuel efficient, reliable and inexpensive maintaince wise. The number one choice based on reviews from many drivers goes to Toyota. Do not use nice expensive cars for deliveries. U’ll be putting so many miles every day. It will kill your car and potential profit. 

Some apps, like Uber will even offer rental programs for dashers. I am in one of those program. I like it. But reality is that rental programs make sense only if you drive 8+ hours per day with at least 5 days a week. 

If your goal is to maximize your income u should multi-app. Never relay on income just from one app. Try them all. Decide which work the best for your market. Use all the opportunities which come your way. I mostly drive for UberEats. Doordash is my second option. Be ready that your account can be deactivated at any time. Sometimes the reasons for deactivation are beyond your control. As an example,  customer reported food as never delivered. You did not pass the background checks or who knows what else.

If you multi-app then deactivation from one of the platforms is sad, but not the end of the world.

As a independent Contractor u need to track all the expenses and file your own taxes. Talk to your accountant what can  be considered business expense. Collect and keep all the receipts. Track your miles. There are free apps like Stride which can do that.

Pack your own snacks or meals. You do not want to drive hungry. Time is money. Do not waist it on things which can be taken care upfront. 

Learn the art of budgeting. As your own Boss you have to set money aside for things, like taxes, insurance, car maintains and etc. 

Our income is not guaranteed or protected. What if tomorrow the car breaks. You have to be ready and have some funds available at all times.

The biggest minus of being a delivery person is uncertainty of your income. Some drivers tell that the only reason they drive part-time and keep their W-2 jobs is to qualify for the loans. I’ve heard that not all Banks like to give loans with 1099 income. Not sure how true is that, but sounds accurate. 

If you want to succeed in delivery gigs you must stay focused. Treat it like a job. Set up a schedule and stick to it. I recommend to set up your daily/weekly and monthly goals. 

Have good phone and phone plan to avoid connection errors. Especially true for rural areas with bad coverage. 

Make sure your vehicle is insured by the Company you trust. 

Now you are ready to earn big and enjoy the road!!!!

World of Deliveries with ❤️